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25 septembre 2010 6 25 /09 /septembre /2010 10:04

I have done quite a lot this week and it does not look like it is going to slow down for next week!


Let's starts with a big batch of cupcakes made for the departure of one of my co-workers.

I made three different types of Vegan Cupakes and one non-Vegan.





Let's start with the Vegan Ones:


First, we have The Peanut Butter Cupcakes:

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As a french person, I never actually had Peanut Butter before or used it.

If you love peanut butter, you will LOVE these. If you don't really like it, you might find it a bit much: the taste is really strong.



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Personally, I loved them. The chocolate on top really suits the rest of the cupcakes. 

Next time, I might try to put some chocolate chips inside the actual cupcakes. 






Next, we have:


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The Apple Cider Cupcakes


Making these was great! My entire kitchen smelled AMAZING: to make these, you have to put together, in a little pan: Apple cider,Cinnamon sticks, Cloves, Allspice and Agar powder and bring the whole mixture to boil.

It smelled like Xmas for me: it reminded me of the smell of Mulled Wine that we used to make on Xmas day in England.

 I was really hoping that all these beautifuls smells would translate in the taste and it really did!








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The Crimson Velveteen Cupcakes


I never had a Red Velvet Cupcake before so I really did not know what it was meant to taste like.

If they are meant to taste like these: Man, I understand why it is an American favourite!






And, let's not forget the NON-Vegan cupcake:   




The BRETON Cupcake


I wanted to make a BRETON inspired cupcake:

The cupcake is a base on the "Gâteau au Yaourt" recipe (yogurt cake), then we have a Caramel au beurre salé center (salted caramel), then i covered the cake with the same Caramel and Palet Breton crumbs (Breton biscuits).





Here we go!

I will make a post later on about the book that I use to make these VEGAN Cupcakes.

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